You’ve probably experienced whiteheads, blackheads or pimples at some stage, but if you find little white bumps on your face, it might be a totally different thing. Milia are tiny, painless white lumps that can pop up on the nose, cheeks or around the eyes. They can’t be treated like a whitehead and definitely shouldn’t […]
Category: Skin Products

Dry Winter Skin? Here’s why
Wintertime can bring cozy sweaters and a good excuse for a hot latte, but it also brings dry itchy skin and many more changes. We sat down with our expert dermal trainer Darlene O’Gara to discuss your top winter skin questions. Why is dry skin more of a problem in winter? The cooler, dryer months make a significant […]

Common skin concerns (Hormonal Acne)
Acne is a common issue we see in most teenagers, as this is the time when puberty starts, our hormones spike and the dreaded breakouts begin. It’s a common thought that acne is supposed to disappear after puberty and in an ideal world, this would be the case. However, acne-related breakouts can still happen throughout […]

Transitioning from Summer to Autumn Skincare Tips
Weather is one important factor that can alter the state of our skin. When transitioning from season to season, it is crucial to consider changing some things about your skin regimen in order to preserve the health of the skin. Moving into the colder months have its pros and cons for the skin. Colder weather […]

How To Keep Your Skincare & Beauty Regimen Sanitary
June 30, 2020 If someone was to peek inside your makeup bag, your skincare shelf, or even your bathroom skin area, would you be embarrassed? Don’t worry, us too. With everything going on in the world right now, it’s easy to neglect our beauty loot when it comes to keeping things sanitary. However, because we […]
Skin exfoliation is the removal of dry/dead skin from the outermost layer of the skin. As a result, newer skin is revealed and this process represents an important skin care routine for healthy, glowing skin. Exfoliation also increases blood flow for a healthy skin complexion. Different skin conditions will benefit from routine skin exfoliation. Skin […]
REMEDY: As you take serious steps towards achieving flawless skin, it is important to incorporate skin products that remedy the underlying skin condition. After a diagnostic skin analysis, these products are designed to target the problematic skin conditions. These include products to improve collagen production and address fine lines and wrinkles. Alternatively, your skin may […]
A medical cosmetic procedure will typically involve deep exfoliation and disruption of the skin’s barrier. When this happens, the skin is no longer protected from environmental stressors and pollution and loses its ability to protect and defend itself. If perfumes, emulsifiers and mineral oils are added to skin care products at this stage, the skin […]
After a medical cosmetic treatment, skin care therapy needs to focus on healing. This is the first step in building the optimal environment for wound healing. The products in this category are designed to decrease inflammation, while helping to heal and soothe the skin. This will ensure that potential complications such as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation […]
After a medical cosmetic skin treatment, it is important to create an optimal environment for wound healing by utilizing a comprehensive set of skincare products designed to achieve maximal benefit from the procedure. These skincare products should decrease inflammation, decrease the potential complications from the procedure while also nourishing the skin to optimize the results […]