There was a time when masculinity and body hair went hand in hand. Anyone for Burt Reynolds circa 1980? That was then. Today, guys are increasing opting to have less body hair, attempting to move away from our mammal ancestry. That’s especially true on the back. Some guys have pockets of fur around the shoulder […]
Author: AnewSkin Clinic

Here are 5 Mistakes You May Be Making While Washing Your Face
[ad_1] Washing your face seems to be the simplest step in your routine right? Well, it’s not as simple as it seems. The techniques and products you use make a huge difference in how well you’ve cleaned off the day’s dirt and makeup – but also how healthy your skin looks and feels after. Here […]
Why Laser Hair Removal On Your Beard?
An increasing number of laser hair removal patients are men. Sure, they’re coming in to remove pesky hair from their shoulders or their lower back. Sure, they’re wanting to ditch the arm sweater. Sure, they’re trying to limit the fallout that’s running from their hair down the back of the neck. But surely, we can’t […]