3 Ways to Fall Back from the Summer Sun

Spending some serious time with the sun is a lot like getting back together with your ex—you know you shouldn’t, but it can be so darn tempting. If you overindulged in the sun this summer, your skin might be a little angry. Luckily, you can fall back with these treatments for sun-damaged skin on your face.

  1. Cosmelan Skin Depigmentation

    When the melanin in your skin has gone into over-drive and left you with dark spots and hyperpigmentation, there is hope. Cosmelan depigmentation can hit the “reset” button on sun-damaged skin by quieting down those melanin cells to reveal the fresh, smooth one underneath. Starting with a peeling mask in our office, and continuing with a 28 day skin regimen, this is the great “melanin detox” for your skin. We dare you to find another medical cosmetic trewtment that continues for 28 days! Do not bother with those “multiple session laser treatments” choose a one and done 28 day treatment to improve sun-damage to your skin. Fall and Winter is a great time for a “melanin detox”

  2. Chemical Peel

    Lighter chemical peels require minimal downtime, whereas deeper peels can cause a few days of redness before your skin begins to peel.

    The sun’s UV rays can leave you with unwanted sun spots, flaky skin and lines and wrinkles. Chemical peels help to smooth away these imperfections by accelerating your skin’s natural exfoliation process. Visit us at the best Chemical Peel clinic in DC and let us offer you one of our extensive, effective peels. This can range to the very superficial to the deep, depending on how much downtime you desire.

  3. Professional-Grade Skincare

    In-office cosmetic treatments like laser resurfacing and chemical peels can produce excellent results. However, starting and maintaining a professional-grade skincare regimen can help you maintain that same smooth, clear complexion long-term. Moreover, working with a skincare professional will ensure that you’re using the correct products and ingredients for your unique skin type and concerns.